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William Ray Ford Attorney

The Role of Your Civil Litigation Attorney

Civil litigation refers to legal disputes between two or more parties that seek monetary damages or specific performance rather than criminal sanctions. These disputes can arise from various situations, including breaches of contract, personal injuries, consumer protection violations, and more.
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William Ray Ford Attorney 

How to Avoid a Judgment in a Debt Collection Case

A judgment in a debt collection case is a court order that declares you legally responsible for a debt. This can result in wage garnishments, bank account levies, and liens on your property. It’s essential to address a situation such as this before it reaches this stage.
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Law Office of William Ray Ford

Things to Consider Before Accepting a Settlement

Accepting or rejecting a settlement offer isn't a decision to be made lightly. It's important to realize that a settlement offer is more than just a dollar amount. It's a package deal, complete with terms and conditions that can make or break your case.
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Law Office of William Ray Ford

How to Vacate a Judgement in Maryland

Finding yourself at the receiving end of a verdit that you believe to be unfair can be daunting. The mere thought of going against a court's decision can seem overwhelming and intimidating, and you may feel like you're standing alone.
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